Expected Outcome for Neuroma Surgery
To eliminate pain associated with a benign thickening of a nerve between two toes.
The nerve is removed to a level behind the ball of the foot. Most times this is performed through an incision in the top of the foot. However there are times that an incision is placed in the bottom of the foot.
All of these procedures may be performed as Day Surgery. This may be in the Podiatrist’s office operating room or in a Hospital or a Day Surgery Centre.
A specialist Anaesthetist is used for the administration of anaesthesia and intravenous antibiotics to prevent infection. Intravenous sedation in combination with local anaesthetic block is used. The advantage of this type of anaesthesia over general anaesthesia is that your recovery is usually more rapid. You will go off for a “light sleep” for most of the procedure. Often patients are partially aware of the last few minutes in the operating room. However as this type of anaesthesia has calming and amnesic effects, very few patients can recall any of this. You will be required to fast for 8 hours before the surgery and a responsible adult must accompany you home and be available for the first 24 hours after surgery.
A post operative shoe is provided and used for 2 weeks. The dressing is changed from 3 to 7 days after surgery. A small, light dressing is used for the second week and usually the foot is kept dry for 10 to 12 days. At 2 weeks after surgery a comfortable lace up shoe such as a sneaker is utilized. At 4 to 6 weeks most forms of footwear are comfortable to use.